We Were the Lucky Ones

We Were the Lucky Ones Audiobook

Before starting the story, the listener should give a glance at the name of the two narrators i.e Kathleen Gati and Robert Fass. Lilac Girls and The Bear and the Nightingale were also narrated by these two so they have the experience to narrate the dark era of human history perfectly.

They have done this splendid work in the past that’s why they were selected for this book as well which is about the Second World War. The year is 1939 and a Jewish family is sitting at the dinner table together. The three generations of the family are together at that table and there is news that one more comes into the family.

We Were the Lucky Ones Audiobook
We Were the Lucky Ones Audiobook

The family is apparently happy but from the inside, they are threatened by the news of the war. Perhaps Poland will not remain a safe place for the family in the near future but they are not talking about that thing rather they are trying to enjoy the present which they have in their grasp. Georgia Hunters started the story in a cool and calm manner.

In the later section of the story, the war approaches and eats up the happy moments of the family within no time. The family gets separated during the war and they run for their lives toward different corners of the world. A few who are left behind face the horror of war but none of them lose hope rather they remain optimistic about the future which is about to come. The narrow escapes of different family members is aptly described by the author so it shows the horror that the Jewish families went through during the war.

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