Usually, when a listener observes a longer list of narrators attached to a book, he gets confused because so many voices can confuse the mind. This book is also with a long list of narrators but it is not confusing because all of the narrators are real experts in their job. Andrew James Spooner, Richard Reed, Tara Rawson, Emma Gregory, and Penelope Rawlins are signs of perfection in narration.

This is the same hero we have heard about in Cain’s Last Stand. Here when Cain starts investigating, he realizes that something terrible is going on in a hidden way. An evil force is working in a hidden way and there is a big conspiracy going on in the government as well. It is all happening in this story like Caves of Ice.The enemy has the upper hand in the battle because it is working in a hidden way and tracing it seems to be impossible for Cain. The entire government will collapse if the one behind all of the trouble is not traced and caught in time. Just wait for the ending of this novel and you will get amazed by all means.