
Warmage Audiobook

War never ends for the Spellmonger like Minalan, after settling things at one warfront they always get a call from the other. Minalan was expecting to get some rest time because soon he is going to become a father and the Spellmonger wants to enjoy those feelings. On the western front the undead goblin has emerged once again along with his entire army of goblins.

The horde of goblins is just bringing havoc to the face of the world and they are soon to be joined by the Dead God. Minalan cannot say no to his duties so he tries to reach the point but there are other troubles on the way. Two of the feudal lords in this situation are trying to better their own future and for their own sake, they are helping the enemies. [Warmage Audiobook]

Warmage Audiobook
Warmage Audiobook

Minalan between all of this is dealing with some personal problems that have occurred in the form of a beautiful Shadowmage who is working secretly for someone else. Other matters like this need the attention of the hero who just cannot bear the presence of enemies in his ranks. Terry Mancour has written about the invasion better than The Wizards of Sevendor and Spellmonger. [Warmage Audiobook]

Minalan looks concerned about his child in this part because he does not want his child to witness war and bloodshed after opening his eyes in this world. For this he has to get rid of all the enemies as quickly as possible because precious time is being lost in secondary things. There is strictness in the voice of John Lee as the narrator too wanted to depict the seriousness.

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