Too Much and Never Enough

Only Mary L. Trump could have written a book like this one because the author has the skill and the info which was required to create such a piece of literature. Mary is a renowned psychologist, thus she is from the field where psychoanalysis of a person is not very difficult at all. One thing which is required for psychoanalysis is the proper detail about the past and present of the person.

The person Mary has selected for this book is none other than Donald Trump i.e the one who happens to be one of the strongest men in America. The author had all the details about Donald because she is the niece of that powerful man. She has seen the rise and fall of the family with her own eyes and she has also observed the change that different events brought to the personality of Donald Trump.

Donald’s behavior with his parents and other members of the family remains the highlight of this book. The rise in business and the ways that were adopted are all written and narrated by Mary. The author wanted the world to see what her uncle is truly like from the inside and how he transformed into such a man for whom nothing is enough.

The author has written The Reckoning as well so this was not the first book that she was writing. The author could have added, her own opinion on different things but she hasn’t tried to do so rather she has portrayed everything in the way she observed and the rest is left up to the listener to decide.

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