Time and Space Between Us

This prestigious memoir is drafted by Diana Knightley and narrated by Keira Stevens. This Nothing but Dust and Kaitlyn and the Highlander are highly suggestive narrations of Diana Knightleys.

This a reality I should caution ye off. I love ye and tis severe that ye are alive hundreds of years away. Magnus and Kaitlyn attempted to start their coexistence however there are perilous powers that should be dealt with. A period traveling vessel that they just cannot handle. What’s more, a long history stands between them. Magnus has tracked down affection and a home. I’m here, on your flesh. I’m yours and existence does not make any difference. We rise above. That is its reality.

A contemporary sentiment with much more history and a touch more science fiction ‘Time and Space Between Us is the second book in the Kaitlyn and the Highlander series. Assuming that you love puzzling, hot, studly legends with frantic hearts and heartfelt contemplations, champions with fortitude who are additionally exceptionally customary debacles and romantic tales that include all-time then at that point, you will cherish this heartfelt series.

This is the second book in the Kaitlyn and the Highlander Series, a Contemporary Romance blended in with a Historical Romance and a time travel story. The story proceeds the last known point of interest. The storyline is intense and activity-pressed. Keira Stevens worked effectively to rejuvenate Kaitlyn and she truly catches the humor and the fun of these books. The novel is extremely eccentric and loaded with humor. In this subsequent novel, Kaitlyn and Magnus are hitched and Magnus has turned back the clock with Kaitlyn, however, they have been isolated. A great deal of the novel is the way they find their direction back to one another.


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