This Side of the Grave

Cat Crawfield and Bones have been giving less time to their personal lives over the years and they have been busy fighting crime of extraordinary kind. During their missions, they have saved the lives of creatures and people from both worlds. It has been a successful life but failures are always there waiting to pounce on you in your weak moments. The cat was not a vampire from the beginning but she changed into one when she was bitten by a vampire. Since then has been living a life of half-human and half-vampire. Bones love her to the core and their marriage has proved successful no doubt but now Cat is in trouble. Changes are coming to her body which she cannot comprehend and Bones also take it as a bad omen. There is a chance that she might not survive if they fail to correct everything before time.

This personal matter is not the only problem the couple is facing there are other bigger matters at hand. Jeaniene Frost in the novels always talks about parallel stories at a time. Here a war has started between the ghoul and the vampires. Bones and Cat just cannot decide whether they should give importance to their issue or try stopping the war first. When they go to the ghoul’s queen she surprises them as well with her demand. Shades of Wicked and Wicked Bite were just the start of miseries; this fifth part narrated by Tavia Gilbert just makes the life of the characters a living hell. To win this time they have to lose some as well i.e time for sacrifice has finally approached Cat and Bones.

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