The Twelve Plagues

The Twelve Plagues is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the seventh chapter in The Cycle of Galand Series. The book is written by Edward W. Robertson. Edward is known for writing excellent post-apocalyptic and science fiction novels. The Cycle of Arawn is a highly prominent novel of the author. The same could be said about his The Last Tomb novel as well.

The audio narration of The Twelve Plagues is done by Tim Gerard Reynolds. He is a very skillful narrator with an emphatic voice. He has vast experience in narrating novels and that helped him to give another smashing performance in this The Twelve Plagues novel. The remnants of his force had fled away right into the forests. It should have been the moment of celebration. But just when Dante decided to regroup with his people, the Taim Angel arrived there with a very important message.

They might have done a lot to defeat the lich, but Taim Angel was still going to destroy Rale, the mortal world. Dante was facing extreme starvation and that too during the peak wintertime. He led his people towards the Gallador Rift fields which were abandoned. Some horrifying sort of illness spread all among the travelers. This was something that changed everything around all of a sudden and in an unexpected manner.

The Twelve Plagues is a very fun kind of fantasy adventure. You wouldn’t find it excessively cerebral and it wouldn’t be any complex at all. It is best what it is. The fantasy world is very well constructed by that author which you will find to be engrossing and pretty large as well.

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