The Turquoise Queen

The Turquoise Queen is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the 8th chapter in the Path of the Ranger novel series which is written by Pedro Urvi. He is the bestselling author who started writing as an experiment. But soon, he took writing professionally and offered some amazing novels where The Great Council is one of them. Moreover, Frozen Origins is another good title that Pedro has authored.

The audio narration of The Turquoise Queen is done by John Banks. His performance was quite lovely and solid. All the checkboxes for quality in narration are ticked here. Lasgoi was performing his duties as Ranger along with his comrades. That was the time when a shadowy kind of a danger gathered a lot of strength and that threatened the kingdom big time. All that was taking place in the Frozen Territories. Thoran deployed his Ice Magi along with his forces to just fight hard against it.

The Snow Panthers were summoned to carry out a complicated and risky mission. It was meant to obtain a huge object of power that would help in destroying the evil that was finding its way to the capital across the northern mountains. But, that was not the only danger left there which our friends had to face. It was because the Zangrians and the Dark Rangers continued to pose an even bigger threat. That threat was for both the Panthers and the realm.

The plot of this novel is really good. As per one opinion, if you want to make the most out of this book then just ignore the characters of Gurt and Nila. They looked to be complete idiots.

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