The Target: An FBI Thriller, Book 3

This happens to be an FBI thriller so wait for a moment and Catherine Coulter will introduce her two main agents i.e Dillon and Lacey. These two agents have been there in many parts of the series and they happen to be the best in the business. The agents or the FBI do not appear initially when the narrator Sharon Williams introduces Ramsey’s character. Ramsey was totally frustrated with the world so he decided to find a peaceful place for himself.

A Hilly area with forest all around became the point of attraction for him and he settled down quite nicely there. One day while moving here and there Ramsey found a little girl who wasn’t able to speak anything. He took her home and soon people came after that girl and they wanted to kill her.

Ramsey saved her in the first attack and when her mother came to the spot, she thought that Ramsey was the kidnapper. The misunderstanding was solved when the killers attacked all three of them for the second time. They thought that they were in need of serious help so they contacted the FBI and the reality started coming to the scene. Reckoning and The Cove will help in developing some ideas about these types of stories even more.

Such stories are not hard to understand but if someone is not used to such things then there is a chance that he will get confused because of the speed. Things happen very quickly in such stories and usually, the characters seldom get engaged in detailed dialogues. So everything has to be understood through gestures and the progress of the tale.

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