The Son of the Morning

Fantasies are awesome only when the story is captivating because without a strong story there is nothing to amuse the audience. Even the depiction of the scenery is nothing if the plot is weak or the story breaks at the climax. Jacob Peppers is one of those authors who keep such things in mind and always adds the basic ingredients in a novel. The story opens with a flashback in which the listeners are told about nightwalkers who came to the human world like demons out of prison.
They started eating the human race like blood thirsty maniacs it was evident that the humans will perish sooner or later. However, the miracle took place and the humans were blessed with six men and women with special powers. Those humans fought against the nightwalkers and made them retreat. Now fifty years have passed and most of them have forgotten all about those dark days. Alesh has not forgotten those days because there is still a scar on his body that does not heal.

He knows that the creatures will return to the surface once again and more heroes will be needed. Derek Perkins narrates the rise of another hero in the later stages who is supposed to be cursed initially. A Warrior’s Redemption and Don’t Feed the Trolls are full of supernatural creatures and they are equally scary too.

So this is the strength of the author through which he decorates the stories all the time. The listeners also expect the introduction of such creatures at every level because they just love it. In the story, the hopes of the human race go down one by one and it all comes to an orphan who can save the day eventually.

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