The Singularity Trap

The Singularity Trap is a science fiction and fantasy book by Dennis E. Taylor. He is a Canadian writer and former computer programmer as well. If you want to try out a few more books from Dennis E. Taylor then his All These Worlds and For We Are Army will make a very good choice.

The audio narration of this novel is done by Ray Porter. He is a very experienced narrator and was able to deliver a magical performance with his soulful voice used in this The Singularity Trap book. The Singularity Trap novel explores a completely different and darker world which you will never find in any science fiction and fantasy novel. [The Singularity Trap Audiobook]

The Singularity Trap Audiobook
The Singularity Trap Audiobook

Ivan Pritchard was determined to provide his wife and kids with a much better life back home. Therefore, he ventured to the brink of unknown space for joining the Mad Astra crew in the capacity of an asteroid miner. He was all set for loneliness and hard work but not for the unthinkable.

After making contact with some mysterious alien element, Ivan discovered an unwelcoming thing that shared his mind. There was a very disturbing kind of physical transformation. Ivan in this situation and with the humanity at stake must look to save them from having a full-fledged interstellar war. [The Singularity Trap Audiobook]

Dennis E. Taylor is the bestselling author of his Bobiverse Trilogy and this is one amazing chapter. This is a hilarious science fiction novel from Dennis E. Taylor which set the stage for Ray Porter to give a thumping performance. Ray Porter is an award-winning narrator and he brought the characters of this novel in the most prolific manner.

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