The Shelters of Stone

Ayla is with Jondalar and they are finally going home to Zelandonii. For Ayla, it has been a difficult task to blend in with a group of people who have no similarity to her culture. Moreover, they not only consider her a stranger but according to them, she has come from a race that is not human. Making them realize that she too is not an alien was difficult but slowly she penetrates the culture.

She is given a chance to meet the spiritual leader of the tribe who is amazed to learn about the skills that she possesses in healing the people. Her knowledge of medicine is also new for the people, thus it was like a journey to the Stone Age for Ayla. Being Jondalar’s mate was not an easy thing for Ayla.

After becoming a mother she thinks that her role in the tribe has become more serious. She has to tell them the ways of modern culture and also she has to learn their culture too to blend in well. Jean M. Auel’s work talks about two opposite cultures that Ayla is trying to bring closer.

Book one and two i.e The Clan of the Cave Bear and The Valley of Horses also talked about the unification of different cultures. It is the way of understanding that all human beings can co-exist if they start to understand each other’s culture and show respect as well. Sandra Burr hasn’t changed the voice for the depiction of both cultures but still, we can distinguish between them with the help of the tone applied for it.

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