The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project Audiobook

The professor of genetics in the novel was not searching for any kind of romance in life because he loved his work right from the start. Don Tillman liked his busy routine more than anything else because he was serious about his work. He had a limited number of friends, not because he was a loner but rather because of his selection of friends. He wanted to keep those people close to him who were accurate in their routines like him.

One day something strange happened when a close friend told him that he would be an equally perfect husband. This single gesture started something strange in Don’s mind and he started thinking that it was time for him to find the perfect woman for himself.

The Rosie Project Audiobook
The Rosie Project Audiobook

Thus the Wife Project starts, well that’s what Graeme Simsion has named the thing in his novel. Don wanted the woman to be perfect in everything because he liked people with a punctual approach towards life. He was not looking for a drinker who can go wild at any time. Rosie was a wild thing and totally out of Don’s options but when she came to him, there was something that the professor felt in his heart.

Dan O’Grady narrates in the perfect romantic style in this portion of the novel. Rosie i.e the heroine of The Rosie Effect and The Rosie Result as well was looking for her biological father. She was in need of someone who could provide her with the exact details of her DNA. Don was the right man for the job and he starts thinking that the job is not a bad option after all.

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