The Princess Trials

The Princess Trials Audiobook

The novel describes the world known as America in a different way. After the nuclear war, everything in the world has changed completely. The world is divided into different groups and each group has a fortress in which it lives. The rest of the people are not allowed to enter the domain. There are also those who are left unprotected and are deprived of all the basic facilities of life. These rebels have been trying to bring down the government for a long time so that they can also enter the four walls of the kingdom.

Zea, the sixteen year old girl has seen a tough life since her childhood and now she has decided to work for the rebels. She is given a task to analyse the palace for the weak links so that the invasion can become easy. The palace was a well-protected place thus entering its premises was not easy for anyone. When Zea hears about the competition that was taking place among the woman of the town in order to become the queen of the land she quickly enrolls herself.

The Princess Trials Audiobook
The Princess Trials Audiobook

It was the best way of entering the palace undetected. However, this also provided Zea the opportunity to get closer to the prince as well. Her heart starts slipping away and she thinks that she might not be able to continue with the mission.

Cordelia k Castle shows love and hates at the same time in the novel. The Princess Crown and The Princess Games will come with more surprises if you show some interest. Stacey Glemboski always narrates slowly because the narrator wants the audience to understand what he is trying to say. Just keep listening to this series if you want to have a permanent delight.

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