The Pandora Paradox

The Pandora Paradox is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the 12th volume of the Omega Force novel series. The book is written by Joshua Dalzelle. He is the bestselling author and any time invested in his books will be worth it. One of the highly most recommended books written by Joshua is To Hell and Back. His No Quarter book is another masterpiece that you must try.

The audio narration of the book is done by Paul Heitsch. It was a great performance and you will find it to be perfect for the characters and the type of story it is.

It all started with a considerable revolution that nobody ever thought occurred.

The cruelty of the revolution ignited rebellion which everyone involved refused to admit about its existence.

The Machine then reigned supreme within the galaxy. On the other side, the actual fight was only the beginning.

The Omega Force keenly felt the burden of responsibility for the arrival of the Machine in the quadrant. However, with the Blazing Sun resources of organized crime backing them, there was not so much that the small mercenary crew could do against the wicked AI. It was the one that already had usurped control of the majority of the government.

The Machine then came under the firm control of the military of ConFed. They were both out of time and options. Captain Jason knew that something else made a return from the outer regions along with the Machine. It was about something which he always had kept a secret from all, including his crew.

It is a lovely book but a bit short. The narrator did a great job by adding considerable personality into the book.

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