The Omen Machine

The novel by Terry Goodkind is not about war rather it is a story about a device that was created thousands of years ago. The device had the power to do odd things and that’s why it was hidden from the world so that no more band omens can hurt people. Now some people trying to bring discoveries to light have brought out the omen machine to the surface of the world once again. The omen machine quickly starts functioning and tells the people around about an omen.

The omen proves to be true and quickly after that, the machine tells about another deadly omen. Zedd thinks that destroying the machine is the best solution to the problem but he fails in his mission. The time for the fulfillment of the deadly omen draws near and at this spot, we are told that the machine is not telling about the omens rather it is creating them.

The men are told by the machine that it can stop the whole thing from happening if they give it what it needs from them. The three men agree but very quickly they are alarmed when they hear about the demand made by the machine.

Not only the narration by Sam Tsoutsouvas is different but the theme of the story is also different as compared to Wizard’s First Rule and Stone of Tears. The heroes don’t have any chance of committing a mistake because the machine is keeping an eye on their every move. One wrong move will take them into the lap of another omen out of which survival would be difficult for them.

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