The Menocht Loop

The Menocht Loop is the first book of the series with the same name as this title, The Menocht Loop. This science fiction and fantasy novel is written by Lorne Ryburn. She is a reliable writer of the science fiction and fantasy genre and made a reliable name for herself in a very short career so far. If you have time and space in your reading list then you can think about adding her The False Ascendant novel there.

The audio narration of the book is done by Joe Hempel. This was a solid performance that will push you to find more books that Joe Hempel has narrated. The story starts with Ian Dunai who was completely trapped within an arch-decemancer and was not able to escape. It was about time.

Just 1% of the population was blessed at birth with great magic affinity. There are fewer who still have a lot of high enough affinities for the ruling. It was the decency of the Ian which eclipsed everything. That granted him the ultimate control that he could ever have over death. He went on to conquer different cities with a definite thought and eventually turned them all into ruins with a specific gesture. But, the overwhelming power was not known to be good enough to escape right through the time loop or in any way, reveal its purpose.

You might find yourself skeptical at first about this book and the story, but just as the story progressed, it will start to make more sense. Eventually, you will start to like this story and that will be great fun. Therefore, this novel is recommended.

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