The King’s Ranger

The King’s Ranger is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the first chapter in The King’s Ranger novel series which is written by AC Cobble. He writes epic fantasy and Benjamin Ashwood is his best-known work. Benjamin Ashwood is the title chapter of that series which will make a fantastic listening experience. Apart from this, Weight of the Crown is another fantastic book that AC Cobble has written.

The audio narration of this book is done by Simon Vance. He was outstanding with his performance and you will love everything about this narration.

Rew was the ranger of the king who accepted the role in a far-off corner of the realm. That was chosen to avoid any of the morasses of betrayal and intrigue that bleeds right from the core of that kingdom. The only major desire he had was to shoulder the burden that he had taken. That was needed to protect the Eastwatch village and also to see the wilderness far and beyond.

When three different youngsters were arrested for committing small crimes in the village then they begged for his support. The older friend of Rew insisted that he should take responsibility. Rew was pushed hard onto a path that he knew would lead him to chaos first and then death. The king’s ranger would do everything and will battle hard to provide those youths with a life that he never had any chance of.

The plot of this book is very much similar to those of many other high fantasy adventure tales. But, the world-building is unique and superb. There will also be some creative plot devices that made the story extremely interesting.

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