The Golem and the Jinni

The Golem and the Jinni is a historical fantasy novel. It is the first book in The Golem and the Jinni novel series which is written by Helene Wecker. She is an American of the well-known subject title which was the winner of the Mythopoeic Award. The Hidden Palace is another brilliant book that Helene Wecker has written. Moving on, she also did a brilliant job with the writing of her Divestment title.

George Guidall narrated the subject title and you really couldn’t ask for anything more.

The book tells the story of two different supernatural creatures. Those appeared mysteriously out of nowhere in New York in 1899. Chava was a golem creature who was made out of clay. The same was brought to life by a stranger who puttered in the dark Kabbalistic magic. When her master died at the sea on the journey from Poland then she was adrift and unmoored just as the ship arrived at the New York Harbor. Then it came to Ahmad who was a jinni, created from fire and was born in the old Syrian Desert. It was trapped by a Bedouin wizard within some old-style copper flask many centuries ago. He was accidentally released in a Lower Manhattan shop by a tinsmith.

The Golem and the Jinni were finding it hard to make their lace in the weird new place for them. They struggled to fit in with their neighbors who were mainly a diverse community of immigrants. They were concealing their true natures all this while.

This is an enchanting debut novel from Helene Wecker and what a great fantasy novel it is. Highly recommended.

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