The First Girl Child

Bayr has not seen happiness from the day he was born because his birth was illegitimate and since then no one really cares of the boy. His mother was also someone whom people don’t remember with a good name because of her bad mouth full of curses.
The old hag even cursed her son before dying when he was standing close to her on her death bed. Now Bayr with powers unlike any other in the land is searching for a goal in life. Instead of any goal or big assignment the boy finds love in the form of a human girl named Alba. With Alba he forms a bond which not only completes him but also gives him the courage to stand for what is right in the world according to him.
Together the two march on but they never guessed what was coming to them in the form of life threatening incidents. The king of the land had for a longtime established his empire on the lies and deceit and when he sees that these two characters rising against his ideologies he thinks of them as an eminent threat to his rule.
Novels previously written by Amy Harmon were mostly like Where the Lost Wander and From Sand and Ash in which past references and relations didn’t alter the stories very much. In this Bayr’s past and the curse that is given to him by his mother forms the basic concrete structure. Later the birth of girl child i.e Alba also associates itself with the old prophesy. Great story no doubt with depth and a promise for a sensational ending.

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