The Darkslayer Omnibus

The Darkslayer Omnibus is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is written by Craig Halloran. He is a #1 bestselling author in multiple genres which include epic fantasy, science fiction, werewolves & shapeshifters, sword and sorcery, and coming of age novels.

You will find Craig Halloran at his best in The King’s Conjurer novel. You will find his grand collection of novels in The Supernatural Bounty Hunter Files Collector’s Set: Books 1 – 10.

The audio narration of The Darkslayer Omnibus is done by Lee Alan. It was a poor performance which could even give you a headache if you continue to listen to this performance for long hours. There were many unnecessary long pauses right in the middle of sentences and there were pronunciation issues as well.

They want him to be dead but he wouldn’t die.

In a savage and volatile world, there was only one person who was charged unknowingly with maintaining the right balance between darkness and light. He was none other than the warrior Venir or the Darkslayer. Venir hunted down the sinister race of the subordinates which would stop at nothing for dominating mankind.

When Venir along with Melegal, his thief companion locked horns with the Royals then they were pushed hard to flee or just die in the dungeons.

The troublesome pair looked for refuge in the tougher Outlands where the dwarfs, monsters, and gnolls dwelled. There were a couple of underling wizards in waiting who set up a trap for destroying the scourge of their type once and for all.

The story of the book is just average. The bad narration is the main issue with this audiobook.

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