The Accidental Demon Slayer

The Accidental Demon Slayer is the first chapter of the Demon Slayer novel series. It is a romance fantasy novel which is written by Angie Fox. She is the bestselling author in New York Times. She writes some really fun, sweet, and action-packed mystery and romance novels. You will find her characters to be always clever and extremely fearless. The Skeleton in the Closet is a very good example of her brilliant work. This recommended novel is horror fiction and if you are into such a genre then make sure that you don’t skip this novel. Another brilliant horror fiction novel from the author is The Haunted Heist and you will enjoy this one as well.

The audio narration of this novel is done by Tavia Gilbert. She is a brilliant narrator and she made this novel so good with some inspiring varieties in her voice.

It is not at all a good day when some ancient demon appears right on your toilet bowl. In the case of Lizzie Brown, this was only the start. Her hyperactive terrier very soon started to talk and her long-lost witch Grandma was flinging the Smuckers jars filled with all the magic. Just when she thought that she has seen everything that Lizzie learned then she became a demon slayer and the entire hell was just after her. That was not the only thing after her. Dimitri was a handsome shapeshifter who was required to have a demon slain of his own. But, how is it possible for someone to talk to a girl who you have never met while going into the underworld?

The Accidental Demon Slayer hit the New York Times bestselling list. It is an exciting novel that will make you read more from the same author.

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