Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six

The Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six is a chapter out of the Spider-Man novel series. This is a science fiction and fantasy novel which is written by Adam-Troy Castro. He is from the USA and is known for writing fantasy, fiction, and horror novels. He has been nominated for several different awards for his incredible work where Gustav Gloom and the People Taker are one of them. A good collection of his stories can be found in My Wife Hates Time Travel and Other Stories.

The audio narration of this novel is done by Tim Paige. The job was wonderfully done by Tim and the listeners will have a blast with this audiobook.

On many occasions, the greatest ever enemies of the Spider-Man have banded along as the Sinister Six, as they were six of them. At the behest of a lethal benefactor known as the Gentleman, the Chameleon was given the task to assemble another Sinister Six from scratch. This new setup would preferably come with the most lucrative and ambitious scheme of all time. He recruited Vulture very soon and at the same time freed Dr. Octopus and Electro as well from the prison. He was then joined by Pity who was the mysterious ward of Gentleman. The situation then only left him with Mysterio. But then, there was a big and lucrative plan by the master of illusion himself.

The book guarantees marvelous entertainment and the main credit goes to the writer for doing such a brilliant job with the story. After that, Tim Paige for this audiobook deserves big credit, as well as the performance, was top-notch. So, do check out this novel.

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