
Life is a big mess when you have no soul because it means that you have no life at all. In the case of Alexia, things are a little odd i.e she has no soul but still, she is very much alive and is roaming on the streets of London. Her father is dead so she is left with no family at all and in such a situation she was not ready to afford any kind of enmity. During a usual day, she got rude to a vampire because of an unknown reason and then the fight became public. The matter was solved on the spot and both were lucky that no harm was done.
After that, she accidentally kills that vampire, and the case becomes a big issue in society. Alexia is sure that she is being framed in the case but she cannot prove herself. Also over the years, the one with no soul had no enemies in the society who would try to trap her in such away. Lord Maccon is sent to look at the case in detail so that the criminal can be punished accordingly.
When Maccon reaches London he is amazed to see that more vampires are disappearing and the locals think that Alexia is behind all of this. This is where Gail Carriger lays the foundation for Heartless and Imprudence in a dominating style.
Alexia starts using her powers to prove herself innocent and she realizes that she can do a lot of things that she has never tried before. The thin voice of Emily Gray was correct for a girl who has no soul and is in the middle of a big disaster.

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