
Keras was tired of living a simple life and he wanted some competition so that he could prove his worth in front of the entire world. Though he got the chance to enter a big competition it came with a huge price as well. The thing was not easy because there was a lot of bloodshed on the way which was difficult to avoid. A lot of killing machines on the same ground is surely tough to handle.

Keras also met someone linked to his homeland which he always had in mind and he thought that he was well prepared for that sort of encounter but he was wrong. The one from Keras’ homeland came with some surprises that completely shocked him. The revelations that were made, just made Keras’ head go round and round for a while. Later he tackled things once again and started moving forward in the competition which was basically his sole motive in life. Fighting for the Sacred Sword of Earth was not a small task and Keras soon finds himself short of allies.

All the preparations that were made for the competition were not enough because things started to slip away very soon. Andrew Rowe created Sufficiently Advanced Magic and Stealing Sorcery too but this one is a real worthy tale.

This story narrated by Nick Podehl has hope in it and there is the type of action that you wouldn’t like to ignore at any rate. The desperation among the competitors is best narrated in this novel. All the best fighters of the land converge in the same place and they are hoping to get what they have always desired the most.

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