
New trouble is coming and if it approaches the human world then it would be over for everyone. No one will be able to save himself from the darkness which is approaching the threshold of the human world. R.C. Bray’s famous voice will be heard in this book as he has narrated another classic superbly. Cole Shaw never liked the dull life that was granted to him from childhood on the desert planet where he was forced to live.
He could easily have adopted this dull life and lived the rest of his life on the desert planet but he didn’t do that. Instead, Cole became a part of the army and went to outer space for gigantic missions. Missions in which Cole participated were life threatening but he was satisfied with the fact that he was doing some positive or heroic work.

Then he and his team were sent to Ferrous which was a frozen planet. It was rumored that the planet had some ancient technology buried beneath it so the researchers were trying to dig it up. Cole has his team was asked to protect the researchers. The task looked easy but it was not because there were certain creatures in the dark that wanted to stop the researchers.

The Tide and Dreadnaught proved Anthony J. Melchiorri as a great author and this book polishes his awesomeness even more. The landscape that the author has described here is the real strength of the story. The cold weather of the strange planet is very accurately described, the listener can feel every inch of snow that is falling from the sky.

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