
RoseBlood is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is written by A. G. Howard. She is the number one bestselling novelist in New York Times. She is also an international bestselling author who is known for writing fantasy, gothic, and other paranormal books. You will find her stories at times full of romance and sometimes mystical. Among her best books, Stain must be one of them. You will also be pleased with her writing in Unhinged novel.

The audio narration of this book is done by Rebecca Gibel. It was a captivating performance that easily grabbed the attention of the listeners.

Rune was the one whose voice was always compared to be quite close to that of an angel. She has some sort of a mysterious affliction associated with her unique talent which leaves her sick and completely exhausted after every performance. She was convinced that the issue will be cured by creative direction. So, she was sent to a French boarding school by her mother. The art school was believed to have a haunted past.

Soon after she arrived at the RoseBlood conservatory, Rune started to believe that there was something otherworldly happening there. She started witnessing weird things, especially the mystery boy seen in the graveyard next to the Opera House but he didn’t have any classes at school. He used to disappear as quickly as he appears…

The premise of RoseBlood is great. However, this story moved way too slowly. You will still love the fact that it was not just a randomly updated version of the original story. It took the original first and then built the new story over it.

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