Raven Calls

Raven Calls is the seventh chapter of the Walker Papers novel series. This is a romance and fantasy novel which is beautifully written by C. E. Murphy. She was born in America but currently living in Ireland. Ireland is also the place from where he started his flourishing writing career. If you want to try out something really special from the author then Shaman Rises novel from the author will make a very smart choice. Mountain Echoes is another top novel from the author that you shouldn’t miss out on.

The narration of Raven Calls’ novel is done by Gabra Zackman. She is a very experienced and highly skillful narrator. This performance was quite special by Gabra and the audience loved it. Getting bitten by some werewolf is considered to be the least of problems that Joanne Walker had to face. Her life was in complete turmoil and her task as a cop was all done. She was summoned to Ireland through the magic which was all within her. The skills of Joanne have grown drastically while the magic of Ireland was believed to be extremely powerful and an old one as well.

This was more of an unfinished business. It is because Joanne has arrived in Ireland to rescue the woman who sacrificed everything for her. She was the woman who died one year ago. Through some slip in time now, she is in thrall to some dark power, and Joanne in this situation should look to battle darkness.

Raven Calls tells a wonderful story that is good enough to be listened to in a single sitting. Yes, it is that tempting as the writing of Murphy and narration by Zackman is just so much extraordinary.

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