
Many people have stories about war and they might be interesting but none of it gets better than this which is narrated by Malcolm Hillgartner. The author of many legendary stories such as Beautiful and The Whittiers is none other than Danielle Steel. She is an author who has been fascinated by unique things and of which the topics she has selected for her novels are different compared to other writers of the same era.

This is the story of two friends who were quite attached to each other and they thought that they would be living together forever but they were wrong in making such a wish. The war started and the Nazis started invading the territories of the state. Nick’s father tells him that their family was Jewish in origin which means that they had to run for their lives.

At this time it was Alex who provided Nick and his father with the right kind of horses for the escape. The horses were able to take them away from the reach of the enemy where they started a new life. Nick joined a circus and fell in love with a woman there while Alex kept on living in the same place and faced all the troubles brought by the Nazis to the land.

Writing such a story is never easy because the author must have some kind of information about the era before starting the tale. Surely Steel had investigated hard for the creation of this story and that has been the reason behind the success of the story. Don’t underestimate the power of friendship as this novel is going to prove that true friendship does exist in the world.

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