Manufacturing Magic: A LitRPG Adventure

The start of an online game is depicted in the opening book of the series and later everything goes out of hand. Author Jamie Castle and Troy Osgood have designed this series to absolute perfection because the two authors have provided the listeners with everything which they want to see in such books. There is action, a race against time, and some romance on the way which is rare in such stories because it is not part of the basic theme.

Jeff Driscoll i.e the Game Master in the game is hired by the game developer to take care of the little problems which the players usually face. So he makes sure that the players don’t get disturbed by the bugs and other such things which appear every now and then. Everything works fine for Jeff in the initial months of his career because it was easy to deal with all the expenditures quite easily.

He thought that the job was not very enthusiastic but the payment which was coming through it was making him live peacefully i.e without any financial issues in the mind. So he continued with it until the day came when everything was met with chaos. Suddenly more bugs start appearing in the game and there is no one capable to deal with them at the same time except Jeff.

Nick Podehl has really made the narration count in this one because a lot of attention has been given to it. Manipulating Magic and Sidekick have more enthusiastic stuff in them so do go for those two books as well. Such books can make you able to enjoy the entire weekend without any kind of break

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