Heaven’s River

Heaven’s River Audiobook

Heaven’s River is the fourth installment in the Bobiverse novel series. It is written by Dennis E. Taylor. He is an excellent novelist of science fiction and fantasy books from Canada and Bobiverse is a highly acknowledged series. The Singularity Trap is a prominent book by the author. Moreover, in All These Worlds novel of the author will also make an interesting listening experience.

Ray Porter is an experienced narrator with more than 400 titles already narrated. This performance by Porter was well done and will make an enjoyable experience. The chances of civil war were looming in the Bobiverse. More than a century ago, it was Bender who set out the stars and was never heard from there ever again. No trace of him was there despite several search operations done for him by many of his clone-mates. Bob then became determined to organize yet another mission to find out about the fate of Bender, no matter, what the cost it takes. But nothing was as simple as it appeared to be in the Bobiverse. [Heaven’s River Audiobook]

Heaven's River Audiobook
Heaven’s River Audiobook

The descendants of Bob stretched then to the 24th generation. It was due to a replicative drift that resulted in the production of the individuals who could hardly be considered anymore as Bobs. A few of them were against the plan of Bob, while some others had a plan of their own. Those out-of-control moots were least among the problems of the Bobiverse. Bob along with his allies followed his trail of Bender. But what they found in space was quite complex and unexpected that it could either pose an even bigger threat to the universe or save it. The stakes were extremely high. [Heaven’s River Audiobook]

Heaven’s River is one of the most enjoyable and successful novels from the Bobiverse Audible Original series. For this, more than a million copies have already been sold worldwide.

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