Guns, Germs and Steel

Guns, Germs and Steel Audiobook

Variety is there in the cultures and religions of the world so not everyone talks about everything at the same time. Authors usually think that they cannot cope with such ideas in a limited book. Jared Diamond is complete of different nature when it comes to such discussions. He starts talking about different things at the same time during the introduction and then tells us their detail one by one in the later section.

New Guinea is the place where the author worked for more than three decades and after that work experience, he thought that he had ample information to write down an entire book. The modern world didn’t just come into being in a single day rather it has been shaped by a lot of ecological changes. Geographical factors have played a vital role in shaping the habits and behavior of the people of a specific place.

Guns, Germs and Steel Audiobook
Guns, Germs and Steel Audiobook

So the evolution was systematic and the behavior of the people was also changing all the time along with this evolution. Later religions also started influencing the life of the people and the governments which dictated the land had their own norms which people were bound to follow. According to Jared technology came quite later in the story about the evolution of man.

You can guess a few things from Upheaval if you are interested in these concepts. The concepts in The World Until Yesterday are also not for the kids because the kids cannot understand such thoughts. Dough Ordunio had to provide a clear voice to the entire book and the pitch never changes because it is not a suspense thriller.

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