
Grit is a business & careers related book. It is written and narrated by Angela Duckworth. She is a psychologist, academic, and popular science writer from the USA. As the narrator of this Grit book, Angela Duckworth gave a winning performance which almost all the followers and critics of this book appreciated.

Why is it the case that some people succeed in life while many others fail? Sharing many of her new insights with her exclusive research on ‘grit’, Angela explained beautifully and convincingly why talent was hardly a patron of success. Rather, there were quite a few other factors as well that could be quite crucial. These include the factors like the identification of our passions and also the ability to follow right through with all of our commitments.

Drawing on her captivating story as the daughter of a scientist, Angela described her winding path which goes through business consulting, teaching, and neuroscience. This was something that led to the hypothesis that what exactly are the driving factors behind the success? She argued that success doesn’t come alone for any genius but it is also a special mix of long-term perseverance and passion. Angela in the capacity of a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Set up her very own ‘character lab’ and that provided her with a platform to test her theory.

In this productive and must-listen audiobook, Angela Duckworth, the pioneering psychologist showed all the parents, students, teachers, and businesspeople the secret of having outstanding achievement. She told that it is not the talent but ‘grit’, which is focused persistence. This Grit nonfiction book is highly recommended.

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