
Fugue is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the seventh book in the Nightlord Series which is written by Garon Whited. He spent a good part of his college time in role-playing games and then converted the same passion into writing LitRPG and science fiction and fantasy novels. He gave a handful of successful science fiction novels. He was especially appreciated a lot for his Nightlord series and Knightfall is one of the most prominent chapters of that series and also in the career of Garon Whited. The title chapter of his best series is also named Nightlord and you must attempt that before any other novel of the author.

The audio narration of Fugue’s novel is done by Sean Runnette. He did perform brilliantly and the audience thoroughly enjoyed it. Eric was known to be a king but only part-time. He was also an unconventional wizard and as well as a quasi-avatar. He had an epic quest in his hands.

He had to make a return back to his lost kingdom. This was needed to save it. He had to slay there a creature who was claiming to be the god. The other task ahead of him was to divert all of the terrible risks there about a paradox. That was something capable of undoing anything in there. Moreover and to top off all these things, he was trying his best to raise a daughter as well.

There is nobody who said that being a vampire will be a very easy thing for someone. But, nothing of the sort was part of the brochure.

The book makes a very good read and it is for sure highly recommended.

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