Extreme Ownership

Extreme Ownership is a business & careers category audiobook. It is written and narrated by the duo of Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. They both are US Navy SEALs and are widely known for their excellent leadership skills in the warzone. They have got to share their same experiences in this book which could be maximized by people from different walks of life.

Jocko Willink and Leif Babin were good with their voices but there seem to be some audio production issues that didn’t bring their voice to the listeners with its full potential.

Extreme Ownership Audiobook
Extreme Ownership Audiobook

Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, the combat heroes are here to teach you all the toughest ever lessons on leadership, where everything will be at stake. The duo of Jocko Willink and Leif Babin learned first-hand about this reality during their most dangerous and violent deployment on the battlefield of Iraq. In the capacity of the leaders of the Three’s Task Unit Bruiser of the SEAL Team, their mission was thought to be an impossible endeavor by all. It was to help the forces of the USA to secure Ramadi, which was the most violent city in the entire country of Iraq. In this great account of hard-won victories, tragic loss, and heroism, they both learned that leadership at any level is considered to be the most important factor in determining whether a team would fail or succeed.

When Jocko Willink and Leif Babin made a return back to the USA from their deployment in Iraq then they started a SEAL leadership program. It was meant to share their harsh lessons learned on the battlefield or to help the next generation of SEAL leaders. Echelon Front is the name of the company which the duo launched after leaving their SEAL Teams. There they teach the same great leadership principles to all the leaders of different companies, organizations and businesses.

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