Enchanters’ End Game

The Orb of Aldur went missing in the previous part and that forced Garion to take things into his own hands. The hero fought against the odds for the sole purpose of returning the Orb and now he has finally got it back in its place. The duty is fulfilled but more threats remain around the land which Garion loves. Garion is also crowned in this fifth part and protecting the land has become his duty as well.

While the hero was searching for the Orb, the evil god known as Torak was gaining power and now he is out of the shackles and wants everything which he once ruled. David Eddings in the previous parts also talked about Torak as an unstoppable force that was finally coming to the land. Being the emperor Garion now must fight Torak.

The fight will continue until one of the two gets killed. Garion has his grandfather on his side and his beloved princess also tries to stop the forces of Torak but all of this cannot stop the evil monster. Pawn of Prophecy and Queen of Sorcery had one question in them and the question still echoes in the mind of Garion i.e how a human can kill an evil god?.

There is no hope and chance which Garion has against Torak but saying no to a challenge is not possible because he is the one who has the crown on his head. Cameron Beierle narrates the hero who goes to the battlefield with a heavy heart and a confused mind because he does not possess any idea this time.

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