Dungeon Lord: Abominable Creatures

Dungeon Lord Edward Wright is not a threat for anyone whether it is someone from the dark side or someone who is associated with light. But when someone tries to bring down his reign then it becomes personal and Ed is ready to go to any level for the settlement of the issue. Ed thought that he has dealt with everything quite accurately and now there is a balance between the light and the dark.

Well, he was wrong; there are forces on the side of light that are coming for the Haunt. The Heroes of the Militant Church are coming for the dark side which means that they have started working against Ed and everything that he loves. Hugo Huesca in this third part narrated by Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott brings out the true monsters hidden in the dark side.

Ed before launching a detailed campaign against all of this wants to investigate the matter personally. He wants to know from where these representatives of light have emerged and he wants to do it fast otherwise to save the Haunt he has to become the one thing he does not like i.e a monster.

Old devils were seen in Dungeon Lord and Dungeon Lord: Ancient Traditions are not used but those who are about to come out of the graves resemble the old ones we have heard before. An open challenge is thrown for the Dungeon Lord from the other side and he is not reluctant to accept it. The only thing he fears is his powers which if unleashed fully could harm others present around without any discrimination.

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