Deliverance Lost

Deliverance Lost Audiobook

Deliverance Lost is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the 18th book in The Horus Heresy novel series which is authored by Gav Thorpe. He is not only an exceptional writer of science fiction novels but he is also a game designer as well. In literary writing, he has written both novels and short stories. The First Wall is the most prominent novel by Gav Thorpe.

The audio narration of the book is done by Gareth Armstrong. This narration deserves two thumbs up. You will have a very enjoyable time with this easy to listen novel. Just when the Horus Heresy divided the entire Imperium, Corax along with a few of his remaining Raven Guard managed to escape from the carnage at Isstvan V. The bloodied Space Marines tending to their wounds endeavored to restock their numbers and to make a return back to the fray. All that took the ongoing fight to the traitor Warmaster.

Corax was completely distraught at the crippling blow to his Legion and he returned to Terra to get the help of his father. His father was the Emperor of Mankind. Corax was granted access to many of the ancient secrets. He started to reconstruct the Raven guard from scratch.

He was also planning for his revenge against his brother primarchs. However, those don’t include all of his remaining warriors who appear to be. The enigmatic Alpha Legion managed to infiltrate the survivors and planned aggressively to destroy the Raven Guard. It tells a very fascinating story about The Raven guard and Corax. This is a story that will make you emotional as well so be ready for that.

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