Defying Destiny

Defying Destiny Audiobook

Defying destiny is considered impossible so most people don’t think of standing against it. A few rare ones try the impossible but it just makes their life miserable to look at. The trilogy comes with a lot of stories woven in it by Andrew Rowe. Starting makes us meet Lydia who has been training with an expert sorcerer for a very long time.

All her life she has been looking for one person i.e Jonathan Sterling and now she thinks that she has the hint of his whereabouts. So training any further would be a waste of time for her because she will miss the one dream chance to pounce on the man. Lydia leaves her training and goes after Jonathan Sterling. [Defying Destiny Audiobook]

Defying Destiny Audiobook
Defying Destiny Audiobook

Then there is the meeting of Wrynn Jaden and Taelein which opens different aspects of the story. Lastly, the author introduces us to Jonan. Jonan is a special person because he is linked to the Lady of Thieves and has a hidden agenda to fulfill for the Lady. These two creepy characters are narrated very cleverly by Nick Podehl. The narrator varies their voices to show the cunningness and cleverness in them. Same as The Torch That Ignites the Stars and Six Sacred Swords this story does not put a lot of time on sentiments and other such gestures. [Defying Destiny Audiobook]

The characters come right to the point from the first introduction and then they just don’t drift from the single path that is selected for them. Each character’s life and mission is somehow connected to the other and this forms a complex web that the listener has to understand very carefully at all points.

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