Cut and Run

Cut and Run Audiobook

Ben Acker and Ben Blacker have not written a lot of books still the two have written in a mature and well-polished way in this novel. The novel shows that the two authors are skilled in their art and their talent cannot be ignored at any rate. Meg Ryan, Rachel Bloom, Thomas Lennon, and Eugene Cordero narrated this in the right way and it seemed that the narrators were well aware of the story already. Samantha and Abe are the best of friends and they like to do a lot of social work.

All the things in their life are positive except for the kidney stealing business. Though it is a negative thing in which they are involved but they think that they can justify their actions. They are stealing kidneys for a positive goal that’s why they don’t think that their work is bad. Abe is involved in a research process that can help in the cure of diabetes.

Cut and Run Audiobook
Cut and Run Audiobook

Thus the man steals kidneys so that he can invest that money in his research that is going to benefit millions in the near future. Samantha provides Abe with the proper specimen through her seductive techniques. She too is researching human organs and she only steals the kidneys of the bad guys so neither of them is doing any harm to society.

At times it will get more serious than The Murder Rule and The Wrong One while most part of the story is comic in nature. The way the two talks about their crime can make the listeners laugh out loud at certain points.

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