Cryer’s Cross

Cryer’s Cross is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is written by Lisa McMann. She is an American writer and creator of several interesting science fiction and young adult series where The Unwanted Quests is one of them. Among her best novels, you will find Map of Flames to be a very interesting one. Other than that, Island of Dragons is another fascinating title from Lisa McMann.

Julia Whelan is a very good narrator and she played her part pretty well in this audio novel. However, this is a kind of book which could have been better with more than one narrator. The story is set in the small and beautiful town of Cryers Cross. Unfortunately, it was rocked by tragedy when a few unassuming freshmen vanished there without any trace. Kendall Fletcher was not at all that friendly with the missing girl. However, there was angst that wreaked mayhem on her OCD-addled brain.

Then another student goes missing in the town and that creates panic in the community. Kendall was caught in a downward spiral of anxiety and fear. He was not sure how she could hold everything together and closer. When she started to hear a few voices of the missing people calling out to her and asking for help then she realized that perhaps she was losing her hold on reality.

Something in Cryers Cross was not right. Kendall was determined to find out how far the people of the town would go to keep their different secrets buried. The story of Cryer’s Cross is very intriguing and you wouldn’t want it to end. The twist in the story makes it so much more interesting. You might find yourself reading this book again.

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