Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland

Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is written by Lisa Schneidau. She is a pro storyteller. Her stories are something that will inspire the audience. At the same time, her stories would develop a stronger connection between nature and people, while provoking curiosity as well. All this is exactly what you will find in the subject title of the author.

The audio narration of Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland is done by Joan Walker. It is a wonderful performance done by Joan Walker and you will have a superb time with this one.

The islands of Britain and Ireland were known for their very rich heritage of wisdom and plant folklore. That ranges from the enchanted yew tree to those special types of the bad-tempered dandelion. Here are the many conventional stories about the different plants and the tress which would shape not only our landscapes but our full lives as well through the different seasons. Moreover, those people were exploring the very complicated relationships that were between the plants and the people. Those were also about the relationship between the bogs, fields, uplands, woodlands, moors, towns, etc.

Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland is an awesome collection of short stories. These tales are unique and very beautifully written by Lisa. On top of that, this audio title got the services of a perfect narrator as well who came in the form of Joan Walker. If you love British folklore and mythology then this is a must-have for you. The strong content of the book would surely mesmerize you.

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