Biting Cold

The world of vampires go without rules, there are no crime control departments and no one to provide security to the weak. It is all pure evil when it comes to the sinful world of the blood-thirsty vampires. Merit is also one of them but she was not a vampire by birth, she also never wanted to be one but she was forced into it when she turned twenty-eight.
Now she cannot escape the fact that she is also with the thirst for blood. Entering the circle of Chicago’s vampires was a terrible experience for her, after spending some time with them Merit learned a lot more than she was expecting. The vampires and the dark creatures which live underground have far more powers and potential than it is known to the humans.

Investigating new things and discovering hidden secrets brought back interest in Merit’s life. Later the girl learns about a rogue supernatural creature that is looking for an ancient artifact. If the artifact goes into the wrong hands then the world of the humans and vampires can collapse within moments. Merit goes after this rogue one and she also has to deal with a force that is coming for her because she too has something very precious in her possession.

Chloe Neill does not introduce characters in bulk we have observed this in Shadowed Steel and Some Girls Bite and with minimal characters, the author possesses the skill to do wonders. Sophie Eastlake was the right selection for the narration as it is a novel that is dominated by a female character and female voice was most suited to it.

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