
Biomancer is the opening title of the Biomancer novel series. It is a science fiction and fantasy novel. The book is written by Shemer Kuznits. He is into writing LitRPG and science fiction and fantasy stuff. Life Reset is the first novel by the author and since then there is no looking back for him. Life Reset: Salvation and Life Reset: Conquest are a couple of most loved novels by the author.

The audio narration of the book is done by Luke Daniels. He is a brilliant voice actor and the listeners will enjoy his vocal performance in this novel. John was an ex-special forces soldier and a battle-hardened individual. He was never known to be a fan of games at any level. He was totally unlike his brother. But now, he has got to learn and learn much more quickly. This was needed especially if he has any possible chance to save his younger brother. Magic and monsters along with the game levels were things quite new to him. The real-world skills that he has weren’t that much useful as he thought them to be.

It was quite lucky for him that he was quite used to adapting to different stuff right on the fly. Very soon, the entire world would come to know why he was called Seraph by all of his squadmates. That was the death angel.

The match between the author and narrator of this book seems to be the one made in heaven. Luke did an extremely wonderful job in bringing the characters of this story to life. The plotline of the book is not directly connected with Life Reset and you could enjoy them individually.

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