
Bibliomancy is a science fiction novel. It is chapter 1 of the series Wolf Warlock. The authors of the novel are James Hunter and Dakota Krout. James Hunter has many skills. He is a singer, musician, and author. He is also a well-known author and imaginative children’s stories. He wrote fiction novels for adults. He wrote historical stories. He is a well-known author for his series of novels. Some famous novels are Civil War, Strange Magic, and Dungeon Duel.

The co-author of this novel is Dakota Krout. Dakota Krout is a web developer and programmer. He starts writing because he loves to write. He wrote science fiction novels. His famous books are Raze, Something, Regicide, Ruthless, and Rexus. If you want to listen or read of these authors then do refer to their Viridian Gate Online: Darkling Siege and Viridian Gate Online: The Lich Priest novels. These books are receiving good comments from the listeners.

The narrator of the novel is Nick Podhel. Nick Podhel the perfect for this character. His comfortable and clear voice is the best for this audio. He becomes part of the novel. He did good work. His voice left a good effect on the listener’s hearts.

The story revolves around the main character Sam King. Sam King is a guard at a college. He goes on a Europe trip. His dream is traveling. He feels boring in his present life. He wants to do something different in his life. Therefore, he chooses this. This is a different story. This novel is for those who wish to achieve success in their lives. All the series is wonderful and this novel as well.

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