Abarat, Book 1

Richard Ferrone could be the first choice of every fantasy lover, the narrator has narrated a lot of extraordinary stuff. The fans like Richard’s voice in different stories because he has the ability to do justice to the characters as well. Clive Barker’s story was difficult to handle because the main character in the story is seen spending two different lives. Candy was living in the U.S.A where she was quite satisfied with her life.
Also, she was quite curious about the future which is about to come for her. One thing which she wasn’t ready for was a disastrous future. A man called John comes to Candy and he takes her to the land called Abarat. The land consists of many islands where different time is followed on every island. This is not the only unique thing in the kingdom. There are dragons and other fae creatures that live on these islands and all of them are in great danger.

A deadly force is coming to the kingdom and they think that Candy can save them from that evil force. Candy is surprised that she too develops some kind of super powers when she reaches the kingdom, still she does not think that she is able to save an entire kingdom.

Cabal is the second famous book by the author so the listeners have a choice i.e they can get any of these two books first and can leave the second one for the next holiday. Both of the books are written and narrated with the same passion, we cannot say which book is better than the other one.

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