A Fate of Wrath and Flame

A Fate of Wrath and Flame is a paranormal romance fantasy novel. It is the first chapter of the Fate & Flame novel series. The book is written by K. A. Tucker. She is an international bestselling author mainly of paranormal novels. You will have a wonderful time with The Simple Wild novel by the author. The same kind of entertainment is expected from Until It Fades novel by K. A. Tucker.

The audio narration of A Fate of Wrath and Flame is done by Elizabeth Klett. It was a lifeless and bland performance. The robotic tone of the narrator failed to add any emotion or personality to the characters.

Romeria was a gifted thief who flourished well from the days that she spent as a street kid and picking wallets for survival. Now she has gone to the next level as she started stealing jewels from wealthy people. She was working under the most notorious crime boss of New York City. But the time when an enigmatic woman secured all of her services at the sword-point then Romeria was plunged within a staggering realm of waring elven, opposing thrones and the elemental magic which she couldn’t fathom.

Her quest was straightforward – It was all about stealing a stone from the sacred garden of Islor without anyone else finding out about her real identity. That was something big enough to earn her death. But the identity that she had assumed was of the captured princess, Ybarisan. She was an enemy of Islor after she poisoned their queen and king. That incident happened on the day when he was about to marry the prince. This is a book that people enjoyed reading more than listening to as the narration was very poorly done with a robotic tone.

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