A Column of Fire

A Column of Fire Audiobook

This novel is set in the revolutionary era of England both religiously and politically. The year is 1558 and the people of England are divided religiously into Catholics and Protestants. These two groups are not able to tolerate the presence of each other and this starts a war among the local people. In the government, the young princess Elizabeth sits on the throne and becomes the queen of England.

The people of Europe don’t accept her as the new queen and a lot of countries start moving against her. In the middle of these clashes, there were two lovers i.e Ned and Margery. The couple was madly in love with each other and they thought that they would be able to be with each other in any case. Their expectations are proved wrong when they find themselves standing on opposite sides because of the issue of religion.

A Column of Fire Audiobook
A Column of Fire Audiobook

They come to know that they cannot join hands no matter what happens so they move on separate ways in a heartbroken manner. Queen Elizabeth forms the secret service for the first time in the land and Ned becomes a part of it. The job of these men was to protect the queen by providing her the information about certain evil plots of the enemy in advance.

Author Ken Follett and narrator John Lee have dealt with the history related story quite efficiently. No one can doubt that the potential of this book is less than Fall of Giants. Comparing it with World Without End would not be a wrong step either because it is all excellent work. We get to know many things about history which were previously ignored by us. This is also a good way to keep history fresh in the mind.

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