Wishes and Wellingtons

Want to laugh out loud then select Julie Berry’s classically written novel which has all the ingredients of a good story. Book is not a tragedy but there are certain chapters which will bring seriousness in the story. That’s how Julie goes with the story, she mixes emotions and then when you are about to cry she takes you out of that sad feeling in a jiffy. Examples of Lovely War and The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place can be taken in this regard.
We cannot say that the books are entirely same but they have that element which makes them special. Maeve Merrit was never the kind of girl who liked rules, it does not mean that she was rude in her behavior but she liked freedom. However in the boarding school freedom was the one thing that was not provided to her. A job went wrong for her and she received a punishment to take care of the garbage.
In that garbage she found a tin in which there was a djinni who was not ready to fulfil her wishes. Hiding her finding becomes a problem for her when she finds out that a lot of people are in pursuit of the treasure which she has found.
This happens to be one chance the girl was waiting for in her life and now she becomes committed that she would not lose it no matter who comes in her way. Whether the djinni obeys her or not she is not willing to hand it over to anyone else. Jayne Entwistle’s narration will help you laugh even more on the funny things in the story.

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