Sorceress of Darshiva

King Garion was very happy at the birth of his son; the same happiness has now turned into grief because his son has been kidnapped. The one who flies in the sky in the form of a dragon has abducted the son of the king and it is not for ransom rather the child is needed for a ritual. After the ritual, the enemy will get what it wants and the child will turn into dust.

Garion cannot bear all of this as he cannot see his son dying in front of his eyes and that too at the hands of his greatest rival. Cameron Beierle gets the narration done in style as we can feel the torment through which the king is going through after the loss of his only son. Along with Garion, there are also Belgarath and Polgara who are searching for a place that does not exist anymore.

In that strange place, the ritual will take place and they can stop it only if they can find it first i.e before the arrival of Zandramas. Zandramas is not alone of course, he has a whole army waiting for Garion, and to reach his son he has to get through the whole army. David Eddings provides more and more strange twists to the story.

There comes a time when instead of thinking about the infant child the audience gets busy thinking about the fate of the world. The novel is concrete in the plot like Pawn of Prophecy and Queen of Sorcery, there are a proper beginning and a detailed adding. In the middle, the story is given a special touch with the help of different incidents.

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